Why Constantly Learning is the Key to Success

In today’s fast-paced Internet world — especially lately with the widespread adoption of AI — the Internet is changing rapidly and it’s more important than ever to stay up-to-date.

Which is why I’m a huge advocate of continuing my education with online courses.

I’ve spent tens of thousands of dollars in courses, teaching myself new skills in web design, graphic design, public relations, and copywriting. I’ve also joined 6-month-long intensive masterminds on business management — and learned a TON.

This is all knowledge that I’ve been able to parlay into my own course with the City Living Network.

When I created CLN it was important for me to not only provide a tangible service and publication, but also to provide continuing value and accountability through a network.

The City Living Network is 16 editors across the country who are all on missions to create the best hyper-local publications in our towns.

Whether we are journalists, designers, photographers, or stay-at-home moms, we all come from different backgrounds and bring a different set of skills to the table.

In our monthly Zoom calls we provide accountability, root each other on, and share our wins.

When one of us learns something new, we all learn something new.

I think it’s important, as a teacher and a coach, never to feel like you know it all. My aim is to be constantly learning.

Constantly learning is the key to success.

Lindsay DeLong

I’m a brand strategist that will help your business establish its online identity, grow your influence, and maintain a sense of order and ease. I specialize in web design, blog management, and long and short form copy.


Denver Through a Local’s Eye: Kate Ivy


From MySpace to Now (Photos Included)